Frequently Asked Questions

A CLNC® is a registered nurse who has successfully mastered the rigorous CLNC® Certification Program. Legal nurse consulting is a field of nursing which uses clinical knowledge, expertise, and experience gained by nurses for legal purposes. The CLNC® consultant has the expertise to quickly pinpoint and interpret medical and nursing issues in any case involving health, illness, or injury. Attorneys, insurance companies, governmental agencies, and other entities hire legal nurse consultants to review and analyze medical records and provide a quality work product that assists the attorney or entity to strongly develop their case. A legal nurse consultant is also a registered nurse who abides by state, federal, and local laws. 

While the attorney is the legal expert, RPG Legal Nurse Consulting, PLLC is the expert on the healthcare system and its’ inner workings. Nowhere else will you find this level of cost-effective expertise for reviewing medical records and understanding the subtleties of the healthcare system. 

From the moment a potential medical-related case comes in, RPG Legal Nurse Consulting, PLLC becomes an invaluable asset by identifying the medical issues, screening the case for merit, navigating through voluminous medical records, and providing specialized services relevant to your case. RPG Legal Nurse Consulting, PLLC assists attorneys and other entities to navigate through complex cases while streamlining all processes.

The services of RPG Legal Nurse Consulting, PLLC are far more cost-effective than those of a physician. As the healthcare provider who is face to face with the patient every day, the Legal Nurse Consultant can educate you about a wide range of medical issues. This knowledge saves you time and money when working with expensive medical experts.

  • Risk-Free Guarantee (If you are not completely satisfied with our work product inform us within ten business days, and we will revise it at our expense until you are completely satisfied). 
  • Increases settlement dollars 
  • Improves trial outcomes 
  • Saves you time and money through a hassle-free analysis and navigation of medical records 
  • Performs research and application of authoritative medical and nursing literature 
  • Simplifies your case preparation 
  • Provides you with a cutting-edge advantage by adding over 13 years of healthcare expertise, advanced clinical knowledge, experience, and knowledge of the inner workings of various healthcare settings 
  • Strengthens the foundation of your case by locating the best medical and nursing expert witnesses 
  • Identifies tampering of medical records 
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